Alison Fortes is a mother, dancer, & creative Founder of The 6AM Movement. She works in the corporate world and offers sacred time and spaces for dance, movement and community as a way to redefine the wild self. The woman who finds her way back to center and in doing so changes her life.


Hi, I’m Alison(She/Her), It’s my hope that you will find new and complementary tools to support your personal journey towards wellness, joy, purpose, and community. The services offered are based on my personal and practical experience of working with them over many years. Imagine your life is ‘The Great Work’ are you standing in the centre? are there changes you would like to create and redefine in your life? Consider joining a Qoya class in person, or in the comfort of your own home, work with a flower essence blend made specifically for you. Attend a weekend retreat where you come to rest, replenish and renew, within a safe yet expansive framework leaving you with more of yourself and ongoing tools that support you as part of a community.

My corporate life spans 30+ years and continues today, studying and working in accountancy then moving to technology in my 30s. Alongside my career, I have also worked with, learned from, and now offer the modalities listed. I am capable and courageous as are you, here is a participant’s testimonial from The Sacred Remembering Retreat March 2019 - “Alison’s deep wisdom & connection to the ancestors anchored the intent in each Qoya ritual. She brought with her a strong & humble grounded-ness that made it safe to let go and immerse myself in the movement. I felt deeply seen by her and forever changed by her bearing witness to my metamorphosis”.

My healing journey accelerated when my children were born, I had my daughter at 35 and son at 36. An independent career woman I was completely undone. The journey of motherhood, post-natal depression, full-time work, menopause, separation, parental elder care, and beyond meant I had to re-find and create the wild-self, the woman who finds her way home.

With Aroha Alison

Image: Keri Little Photography

Shedding Skins

My body is 50 something now & its lived many lives

My body has many curves & deep grooves, I got these through hard work, through birthing myself & my children.

The arch of my back holds my strength & wisdom

The grey hairs I earnt through depression, sorrow, triumph & majesty

My body carries me to where I find joy in my soul, through dance & song

My body is beautiful and I Am Real. (March 2019)

Poem inspired by The Velveteen Rabbit written by Margery Williams Bianco 

He said, “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”